14 Crazy Facts About Alcohol That you might not know.


1. Alcohol abuse kills 1 person every 10 seconds.

2. It only takes about 6 minutes for your brain to react to alcohol.

3. Alcohol is not digested at all; it is absorbed into your bloodstream directly.

4. People with blue eyes have a higher tolerance for alcohol and are, therefore, more likely to overdo it.

5. Alcohol doesn’t make you forget anything. When you get blackout drunk, the brain temporarily loses the ability to create memories.


6. Beer was not considered an alcoholic beverage in Russia, until 2013.

7. The strongest beer in the world has a 67.5% alcohol content.


‘Snake Venom’ is now the world’s most potent beer and boasts of a dizzying 67.5% alcohol content. It comes with a warning and you’d be foolish not to pay heed to it. Drinking more than 35 ml, in one sitting, is not advisable

8. In professional shooting, alcohol is considered to be a performance-enhancing drug.
(Alcohol relaxes the body)

9. 25% of all Russian men die before they reach their mid-50s, mainly due to vodka.( vodka…. Russian water)

10. Beer-flavoured ice cream exists and it will definitely get you tipsy!

11. In Newfoundland, water from icebergs is harvested to make premium alcohol such as Iceberg Vodka.

12. Australian scientists have created a hydrating, hangover-free beer.( no more hangover)

13. The creators of Budweiser always placed a few drops of the brew on the tongues of their new-born sons.

14. Even with income, education, and other correlates controlled, intelligent people drink more alcohol.
(are you intelligent?)


so how many facts you knew already?

(i knew 4 of the above facts)

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hi,this is a nerd and tech savvy

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