These are the countries where prison breaking (escape) is legal and not punishable……

In some countries such as Mexico,Germany and Austria Prison escape is not punishable by law .

*But there are terms and conditions *


In Mexico, Germany, Austria the law recognizes that it is basic human nature to escape and hence the act of escaping itself is not a crime, although you may be punished for any other crime that you commit during your escape.

Example 1 –
Break a window and jump out of it. This one was easy – you damaged property on the course of escape.

Example 2 –
Jump out of an open window and escape. Your crime? Stealing prison clothes, unless you jumped out naked.

As a practical matter, it is nearly impossible to escape without committing a crime and even if you do, you may loose any earned good conduct credits if you are caught again.



well a German law student explains this clearly :

Prison escape in Germany is not punishable by law if the escaped person doesn’t break any other laws. I can say, it is close to impossible to escape a prison without breaking a law. If the prisoner damage the bars, it’s damage to property (Sachbeschädigung?!), if the prisoner runs a way with his prison clothes on, it’s theft. Taking hostages, beating someone etc. will be punished as well. Any crime you do while escaping from prison will be held against you. Edit: It’s illegal to help someone to escape from prison.


In Mexican law, it’s not punishable to escape prison, as the desire for liberty is viewed as a basic human right. From Mexican law:

Article 154. To the prisoner that to escape (from prison) will not be given any penalty, except when it’s in complicity with one or more other prisoners and they perform violence on other people, in which case the penalty is six months to three years in prison.

Their time outside jail its not considered part of their jail time so if they are caught after some years, they still have to do the time they got left on the original sentence, Nor more or less. They lose their right to be considered good conduct prisioners and all the sentence reductions for this cause. Massive prision scapes are not uncommon, some of the latest ones being around 130 inmates that fled using a tunnel, or some external commandos that bomb the prision walls.

Final Advice : If you want a successful escape ,better take Michael Scofield’s  advice.  🙂

Definition of life by Employees

Definition of life by Employees…


Life is becoming like Temple Run and Subway Surfer !!!!!

Running all the way to collect coins just to reach no where and then spending those coins just to run more efficiently…!!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Sneak in These Simple Exercises at the Office to Stay Healthy


If you are 20+ and you sit for long hours on the table, then there is a maximum chance you will get backbone or neck disorders. These disorders are very frequent now a days.

But you can overcome this problem just by doing very small stretch exercises at your work space or reading table. There is no need to of gym.

best exercises for work space

Note: You better believe this and start these exercises. If you neglect this, you will repent for sure on some day in your future.

15 tricks to appear smarter in emails

If you don’t care about appearing smart in emails, you can stop reading now.


Oh good, we’re alone.

In the corporate world, there is no ground more fertile for appearing smart than the rich earth that is electronic communication.

Your email writing, sending and ignoring skills are just as important as your nodding skills, and even more important than your copying and pasting skills.

Here are 15 email tricks that will make you appear smart, passionate, dedicated and most of all, smart.

1. Complain about how much email you get

Always complain about your email volume, but never be the first to say a specific number. I once complained because I had 200 unread emails and I was laughed out of the breakroom. Instead, find out how much email everyone else gets, and then double it. That’s how much email you get.

2. Use a “sent from my phone” signature that apologizes for typos

Use a “sent from my phone” signature, even when you’re not sending from your phone. This makes you look like you’re always busy and on the go, and also gets you out of proofreading.

3. When your manager responds to a thread, respond immediately after

It’s impossible to pay attention to every active thread all the time, but you must at least pay attention when your manager responds. Make sure you see the moment he responds, and then respond immediately with “Totally agree,” “Definitely,” or “Took the words right out of my mouth.”

Sarah Cooper

4. Be the first to congratulate

Feature launched? Respond: W00t way to go! Baby on the way? Respond: Mazel tov! Peanut brittle on Brian’s desk? Respond: This is delicious! Whenever something good happens, always be the first to respond andalways reply all. This will make you seem like a highly engaged team player.

In addition, when you constantly point out how awesome everyone’s doing, you leave them feeling great and ignoring the fact that you haven’t done any real work in over a year.

5. Share random thoughts at odd hours

Create a caché of short, random thoughts that you can auto-send in the middle of the night. These could be:

a question about the status of a project
a thought you have about organizational structure
a ridiculous feature request
a link to an “interesting” article
an “interesting” tidbit about a competitor (something we should all be “paying attention to”)
Whatever it is, you’ll have folks wagging their tongues about how dedicated you are to be thinking about the company at 3am.

Sarah Cooper

6. Put some [Information] in the subject

Your subject line isn’t complete without some clarifying information contained in brackets. Some good ones to use:

Subject: [Update] Latest update

Subject: [Confidential] Please don’t share

Subject: [WE DID IT] We did it!

7. Send vague but frequent status updates

“Just a quick update on how things are going…”

Start every other email with this snippet and you’ll immediately impress your colleagues. They probably won’t read much past this, so feel free to follow it with a meaningless data point on this month’s returning users or the new engineer that’s joining the team in 4 months.

8. Send very specific details on your whereabouts throughout the day

Going to the airport? It’s important to let everyone know when you’ll be in a cab, on the train, going through security, at the gate, on the plane, at baggage claim, in another cab, and back at the office — as well as the minute to minute status of your Internet access every step of the way.

9. Start every email with TL;DR

Start every email with a bullet point summary, labeled “TL;DR” (Too long; don’t read). In it, summarize the main points of your email, using bold and italic formatting. The rest of the email can be a mistake-laden mess because it’s very long and most likely no one will read it.

10. Slightly alienate your audience

Start every email with, “If you don’t care about [something you should care about], stop reading now.” Do this even for short emails. Some variations on this include:

If you don’t care about the future of this company, stop reading now…

If you know all there is to know about quantum physics, stop reading now…

If you’re not curious where I’ll be for the next hour, stop reading now…

11. Use clever abbreviations

LGTM, SGTM, FWIW, AFAIK, CIL. Use them all. click here for more .

12. Be the first to suggest a meeting

When a thread gets past 25 replies, a contest of efficiency has begun and the first person to suggest a meeting is the winner. Be that winner. Suggest that meeting. Use abbreviation: F2F

13. Send a “friendly ping”

Send a “friendly reminder,” “friendly follow-up,” or “friendly ping,” to old, outdated threads that everyone forgot about months ago. This will make it seem like nothing gets past you.

14. Wait a week before responding to direct requests, then ask if it’s still needed

Never respond to direct requests right away. If your help is truly needed, that person will find you, but most likely he’ll just ask someone else. After 7 days has passed, respond with, “This got buried, still needed?”

15. Use an overly complex Out of Office auto-responder

If you’re unable to respond to email for even just a day, create an Out of Office auto-responder that includes several people to get in touch with for each of your projects. For extra points, create an entire document that details everything you’re working on and who to contact during your absence. Nothing you do will ever make you appear more smarter.

Can a magnetic field kill you?

Sublime Curiosity

The answer is yes. Did you forget what blog you were reading? You know I’m going to dial everything up until it gets lethal. A strong enough magnetic field can turn a human being into a mass of fibrous crystals, which is not, as you might imagine, good for biology.

But for once, I’m going to try to start on the low, sensible end of the scale. Actually, since magnetic fields are a bit unintuitive, being invisible and all (and confusing to some musicians, apparently), let’s get an idea how strong an ordinary, every day magnetic field is.

Well, I turned on my smartphone, did a little math, and discovered that the magnetic field at my desk (probably mostly a result of the magnetic field of the Earth) is about 45 microTesla. Technology is awesome.

Purely for amusement purposes, I have a stack of little breathmint-sized neodymium magnets stuck to…

View original post 1,368 more words

“Early to bed, early to rise”(proved wrong).


The old saying ‘Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy and wise’ has been proved wrong by a study in Japan. The study conducted by Mayuko Kadono at Kyoto Prefectural University, analyzed 3,066 healthy adults averaging 57.2 years old. According to it, even a one-hour advance in the wake-up time of study participants increased the risk of hardening of the arteries by 1.2 times without a change in sleep duration.

The results, which underscore Kadono’s previous study that had shown links between vascular dysfunction and waking up before 5 a.m, were also presented at the 6th World Congress of the World Sleep Federation, which opened in Kyoto, Japan, on Oct. 16 2011.

According to the World Health Organization, Cardiovascular disease, which includes heart attack, stroke, and high blood pressure, may kill 23.6 million people by 2030, rising from 17.3 million in 2008. Kadono, an endocrinologist had also stated that as people age, they go to bed earlier and hence rise earlier and earlier bedtimes and earlier wake-up times had a larger influence on vascular condition than sleep duration.  Age- associated changes of rhythm and sleep forms might influence vascular condition, according to him. The study also concluded that people who had difficulty falling or maintaining sleep at night had a higher prevalence of hypertension.


14 Crazy Facts About Alcohol That you might not know.


1. Alcohol abuse kills 1 person every 10 seconds.

2. It only takes about 6 minutes for your brain to react to alcohol.

3. Alcohol is not digested at all; it is absorbed into your bloodstream directly.

4. People with blue eyes have a higher tolerance for alcohol and are, therefore, more likely to overdo it.

5. Alcohol doesn’t make you forget anything. When you get blackout drunk, the brain temporarily loses the ability to create memories.


6. Beer was not considered an alcoholic beverage in Russia, until 2013.

7. The strongest beer in the world has a 67.5% alcohol content.


‘Snake Venom’ is now the world’s most potent beer and boasts of a dizzying 67.5% alcohol content. It comes with a warning and you’d be foolish not to pay heed to it. Drinking more than 35 ml, in one sitting, is not advisable

8. In professional shooting, alcohol is considered to be a performance-enhancing drug.
(Alcohol relaxes the body)

9. 25% of all Russian men die before they reach their mid-50s, mainly due to vodka.( vodka…. Russian water)

10. Beer-flavoured ice cream exists and it will definitely get you tipsy!

11. In Newfoundland, water from icebergs is harvested to make premium alcohol such as Iceberg Vodka.

12. Australian scientists have created a hydrating, hangover-free beer.( no more hangover)

13. The creators of Budweiser always placed a few drops of the brew on the tongues of their new-born sons.

14. Even with income, education, and other correlates controlled, intelligent people drink more alcohol.
(are you intelligent?)


so how many facts you knew already?

(i knew 4 of the above facts)

Finally answered! Which came first, the chicken or the egg?


The granddaddy of causality dilemmas has a solution, and we’ve got the simple science to explain it.

Which came first, the chicken or the egg? The chicken, no the egg, no the chicken, no the egg. It’s enough to make your head spin right off your neck. We’ve all been through the logic; most of us end up at the same place. As Luna Lovegood, the dreamy yet dotty witch fromHarry Potter put it when asked the riddle, “a circle has no beginning.” And indeed, attempting to identify the first case of a circular cause and consequence is an exercise in utter futility. For those who don’t have a pat story involving a divine being who spits out perfectly formed species, it’s a no-win situation.


But that doesn’t stop us from asking. Luckily for people kept awake at night by such quandaries, NPR’s Robert Krulwich recently got to the bottom of the dilemma when he, thankfully, stumbled across the video below.


Basically, many, many moons ago there was a chicken-like bird. It was genetically close to a chicken, but wasn’t a full-blown chicken yet. Krulwich calls it a proto-chicken. So proto-hen laid an egg, and proto-rooster fertilized it. But when the genes from ma and pa almost-chicken fused, they combined in a new way, creating a mutation that accidently made the baby different from its parents. Although it would take millennia for the difference to be noticed, that egg was different enough to become the official progenitor of a new species, now known as … the chicken! So in a nutshell (or an eggshell, if you like), two birds that weren’t really chickens created a chicken egg, and hence, we have an answer: The egg came first, and then it hatched a chicken.


Maybe the question we should be asking is: Which came first, the proto-chicken or the proto-chicken egg?

Every smart phone user have to try Google cardboard VR

Google’s Cardboard turns your Android device into a VR headset

While Facebook’s virtual reality effort involved a multibillion-dollar purchase of Oculus VR, Google’s gone with a decidedly simpler route: cardboard. Following the end of its Google I/O keynote, Google’s put out an app called Cardboard that lets users slot their Android device into a do-it-yourself cardboard viewer. When looked through using special lenses, you can interact with various Google services like a VR headset.




“Virtual reality has made exciting progress over the past several years. However, developing for VR still requires expensive, specialized hardware,” Google said on the project’s page. “Thinking about how to make VR accessible to more people, a group of VR enthusiasts at Google experimented with using a smartphone to drive VR experiences.”

The result is Cardboard, which in its current state requires some DIY elbow grease, and cannot simply be bought as a completed product. In order to build it you need a pair of lenses with a 40mm focal distance to keep the phone’s screen in focus. The kit also requires magnets, velcro, a rubber band, and an NFC tag if you want to tap your device to the headset to launch the app right away. The magnet and rubber band serve as a makeshift hardware button for your phone, something decidedly analog.

Some of the early examples of things you can do with the current iteration of Cardboard:

• Earth: Fly where your fancy takes you on Google Earth.
• Tour Guide: Visit Versailles with a local guide.
• YouTube: Watch popular YouTube videos on a massive screen.
• Exhibit: Examine cultural artifacts from every angle.
• Photo Sphere: Look around the photo spheres you’ve captured.
• Street Vue: Drive through Paris on a summer day.
• Windy Day: Follow the story (and the hat) in this interactive animated short from Spotlight Stories.
Google says Cardboard was created as part of a 20 percent project, which is when employees can work on side projects alongside their normal duties. Some, like Gmail and AdSense, have ended up as actual Google products. An earlier version of Cardboard was built by David Coz and Damien Henry, two Google employees in Paris. That eventually led to a software development kit for VR experiences, something Google is describing as “experimental.”

Cardboard follows in the footsteps of other DIY virtual reality kits, including the FOV2GO, which was created by researcher and USC professor Mark Bolas. Like Cardboard, the FOV2GO makes use of off the shelf lenses and specially cut cardboard or foam core to hold a smartphone in a particular spot. It was unveiled three years ago at the IEEE VR Conference in California, and ended up winning an award for the best demo.

this is a video of how to do it yourself (DIY)

If you want to buy this, you can get it from Amazon, ebay.. etc. for around 400 rs /-.
I have bought from ebay, and really enjoyed the experience.

Apple and Microsoft’s visions for the future are delightfully different

One wants the device at the center of your life,
the other wants to make the device irrelevant

Microsoft’s evolution over the past few years has brought it
closer to Apple than ever before. Just like its old nemesis, the
Windows company now sells its own phones and tablets, gives
away OS updates for free , and runs a large network of retail
stores. The first flagship Microsoft Store is, in fact, being set up
only a few blocks away from Apple’s iconic cube on Fifth
Avenue. But dig below these skin-deep similarities and shared
geographies, and you’ll find two fundamentally different
For Apple, the future of the personal computer is about making
the machine even more personal. That’s the premise underlying
the new Apple Watch: the idea of creating a stronger and more
literal bond between the smart device and its user, who now
becomes its wearer. Microsoft, on the other hand, defines its
future as one of more personal experiences rather than devices.
These approaches differ dramatically, but that doesn’t make
them incompatible. In fact, it’s because Apple and Microsoft are
pursuing such thoroughly divergent goals that the two can work
together in an unprecedented fashion.
The history of Apple and Microsoft’s relationship has often been
one of direct confrontation. Whether it’s Surface vs. iPad, Zune
vs. iPod, or the classic PC vs. Mac, the two American giants have
often competed for the same clientele, trying to sate the same
needs. Now, with Microsoft essentially conceding the supremacy
of Android and iOS as the predominant mobile operating
systems, there’s more room to see the best of both Apple and
Microsoft in one device. A handy example of such synergy was
shown off during Microsoft’s Build 2015 conference last week,
with an Uber add-on for Outlook on the iPad allowing you to book
a ride directly from your calendar.
Microsoft is doing everything in its power to tear down the walls
between various mobile devices and platforms. This past week it
also showed how Android and iOS apps can be ported to
Windows , and its hardware ambitions under Satya Nadella
appear to be much more geared toward ensuring affordability
than they ever were during Steve Ballmer’s reign. The Microsoft
goal is true universality of apps, running on the widest range of
devices, whereas Apple is focused on a narrow Continuity
between iOS and OS X devices . You can pick up calls and
respond to SMS messages on your Mac, but only if you’re using
an iPhone — try to make that same bit of synergy work with an
Android phone or a Windows tablet and it all falls apart.


When Apple brings new software and services to its devices, it
does so with the deliberate aim of making them stand apart from
the rest, which is precisely what Microsoft’s now working to
reverse. Apple loves to present itself as a company that
combines hardware, software, and services into one
incomparable package, but its revenues every year show that, at
least financially, it’s primarily a hardware company . Everything
Apple does is designed to sell another iPhone, iPad, or Mac —
even the Apple Watch, in its present fledgling state, amounts to
little more than the world’s fanciest iPhone accessory.
While Apple continues chasing hardware sales, Microsoft has
turned its attention to recruiting the greatest number of users.
Choosing to make Office free for Android and iOS was a
momentous decision for Microsoft, giving a boost to its fiercest
rivals and foregoing a significant source of direct revenue, but it
was done with a clear plan in mind. Playing the long game,
Microsoft wants to ensure absolute ubiquity for its Office suite,
which it hopes to turn into a platform for popular apps like Uber
to build upon.
It’s the same objective that Facebook is pursuing with its
Messenger Platform : both companies are trying to inject
themselves as an extra layer between the device and the user by
offering a unique service or experience. Japan’s Line and China’s
WeChat have already shown how lucrative such self-contained
mobile platforms can be — combining messaging, gaming,
mobile payments, and yes, even a taxi service — when they prove
themselves appealing enough to develop a big audience.
Needless to say, Apple would prefer that all of those interactions
and transactions happen directly on its own platform.


The term “platform” has been applied to so many different things
lately that it’s starting to feel meaningless, but it has a relatively
straightforward definition. In the tech world, a platform is any
space that you can own and make attractive enough for others to
pay rent to occupy. The App Store and iPhone are the digital and
physical manifestations of Apple’s platform. They are the big
lightning rods for attention that everyone is drawn to. What
Microsoft is endeavoring to do is to build its own profitable
operation on top of that, and the primary form of rent it’s paying
is the provision of its most valuable software for free. Having
gravitated closer to the Apple business model under Steve
Ballmer, Microsoft now has more in common with Google, which
set the blueprint for successfully growing a suite of free services
on external platforms.
The future of personal technology is mobile, that much is
uncontroversial. For Apple, mobile means mobile devices,
whereas for Microsoft, it means mobile experiences that
transcend devices. Whether it’s Android, iPhone, or Windows, the
basic operating system is just a facilitator to Microsoft’s grand
vision of cloud-enabled computing. The actual computer doesn’t
matter to Microsoft, whereas it’s paramount to Apple. That
dichotomy will define the areas of innovation that each company
focuses on, with Apple pursuing thinner, lighter, better, faster
machines, and Microsoft chasing ambitious new modes of
interaction like the augmented reality HoloLens. One platform is
in your hands, the other is in the cloud. One has proven
spectacularly profitable, the other has everything left to prove.